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SOA 12c: New features

With increase in requirements and challenges such as Cloud Integration , Mobile Integration and IoT things, Oracle Soa 12c suite brings a lot of new features with it. It has focused on both integration and ease.

This article will go through some such features of SOA 12c .

Quick Installer with all in One
Single-Click Installer package which include JDeveloper, a integrated Weblogic service with SOA Suite (including Service Bus), JavaDB (for it’s Database) and the Enterprise Manager.

SOA and OSB Together
Unlike 11g, 12c came up with SOA and OSB together. Integration of Service Bus and SOA Suite will helps developer to create. REST and SOAP based service on one tool

New Technology
Mobile Integration, Cloud Integration , Cache integration are some of major highlights of 12c
SOA and Service Bus
Templates : Introduction of templates (Project Template, Component Template, Activity Template improved the reusability factor in SOA.

Sub-Process : Process both type Standalone and inline sub-process will reduce rework and increase reusability.

XQuery and XSLT Mapper : Improving XSLT mapper features and usage of XQuery at design level in SOA are one of the key point in soa12c.

Fault Editor : Unlike 11g, 12c comes wit Fault Editor to design fault policies and Fault Bindings.

MDS : Compile (File Based) time and Runtime (Database Based) is more easy to create and update unlike 11g.

Service Bus
REST Service :  Creation of REST based service in SOA 12c both xml and json based is major advantage. Mobile enablement.

Templates : Provision of usage of templates in Service Bus also.

Separation of Pipeline : Pipeline in 12c can be developed from the service component and can be exposed independently.

MDS: Usage of MDS in Service Bus is key component in 12c.
New Technology
Managed File Transfer is an integrated solution that has reduce the file transfer complexities between Source and many targets. This allows customers to load data securely into Oracle cloud application as well as third-party cloud or partner applications.

Enterprise Scheduler Service  provides the ability to run different job types distributed across the nodes in an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler runs these jobs securely, with high availability and scalability, with load balancing and provides monitoring and management through Fusion Middleware Control. ESS was available as part of the Fusion   Applications product offering. Now it is available in SOA Suite 12c.

Business Activity Monitoring  in 12c has been enhanced to enable rapid and flexible assessment of key performance indicators (KPIs) by storing the   data in the industry standard star schema format.

Oracle Event Processing in 12c can handle millions messages per second at low latencies.


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