Variables x=3 y='Hello' Note: there should be no space in assigning variables. Print Variables: echo $x echo $y More accurate printing variables is double quote your variables echo "$x" echo "$y" You can print literal also with variables. echo "Value of variable x is $x" If else statement x=5 y=7 if [[ $x -lt $y ]]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi Note : For good practice, put condition in [[...]]. There is semi-colon ; after condition end. fi command indicates closing of if else statements. For comparison, use -lt,-gt, -le, -ge comparison parameters for good practice if ((x>y)); then --- this also works -- Try yourself Nested if else can be done with using elif command x=cool if [ "$x" = "cool" ] then echo "Cool Beans" elif [ "$x" = "neat" ] then echo "Neato...
JAVA EMBEDDING ACTIVITY addAuditTrailEntry("Base64decode started"); try { String EncodedStr = (String) getVariableData("EncodedString"); addAuditTrailEntry("input="+EncodedStr); oracle.soa.common.util.Base64Decoder decoder = new oracle.soa.common.util.Base64Decoder(); String decoded = null; decoded = decoder.decode(EncodedStr); addAuditTrailEntry("Base64decode decoded="+decoded); setVariableData("DecodedString",decoded); } catch (Exception e) { addAuditTrailEntry("Base64decode Exception: "+e.g...